The following answers are current as of January 2023.
- What is ConFest?
- ConFest is an alternative lifestyle festival which started about 35 years ago. It is held twice a year near Hay, NSW. They have had about 30K people in the past. Currently they have about 5K people.
- ConFest is short for Conference Festival.
- Here is the ConFest website. https://www.confest.org.au/
- The original ConFest conferences were focused on alternative ways of living in community.
- Sydney ConFesters (the subject of this website!!)
- Sydney ConFesters, 21 years ago, started as an offshoot to cater to Sydney folk and to have more gatherings during the year.
- Sydney ConFesters uses the Con part of ConFesters to also mean Contribution Festival.
- We have restructured, and are trying new things eg Nadia’s special paid workshop in January 2023.
- It’s up to whoever attends to create the event.
- Sydney ConFesters is a family friendly event.
- What are the benefits of becoming a Member?
- A sense of ownership and participation in the organisation.
- Access to all emails sent to the members by the Sydney ConFesters committee.
- Actively participate in the organisation by attending meetings, raising agenda items.
- A steppingstone to joining the organising committee.
- The opportunity to help Sydney ConFesters grow and flourish.
- What is the age demographic?
- All ages are welcome.
- There are young families, young adults, older people, singles, couples.
- What does Clothing Optional mean?
- Some people go clothing free, others don’t. All options are welcome and respected.
- Respect is the key to making this work for all.
- See our Clothing-Optional FAQ for more
- What is our philosophy?
- As long as you aren’t hurting anyone, you can be yourself.
- You have permission to be yourself.
- Do everything with permission. Ask for permission before taking photos.
- A simple guide is: Yes means yes, no means no, maybe means no, yes can turn into a no at any time.
- Volunteers – what do they do?
- Contribute at least 2 hours of their time to the smooth running of the weekend.
- Some examples of how to contribute are cooking, cleaning up after meals, setting up, packing down, general grounds checks.
- Check the volunteer board regularly for task that need doing.
- Can I get a free ticket if I volunteer?
- We are all volunteers. No one gets paid.
- Everyone contributes their money and time and expertise to create the gathering.
- Every gathering is unique using the skills and ideas of those who attend.
- Workshops – how do they work?
- Any and all topics can be turned into a workshops. The possibilities are endless.
- There is a workshop board for people to post their intention to run a workshop.
- Check the Workshop board regularly to see what’s on offer.
- Providing a Workshop is separate to volunteering. It is generally seen as an act of love to the community.
- Meals – how will I eat?
- People usually make their own breakfast in their own time. They can use the kitchen facilities if the need to.
- Meals are typically vegetarian style. Vegetarian foods keep well without a fridge.
- All attendees contribute fresh food to the kitchen. When all contribute, there is enough to feed those who attend.
- Volunteers make lunch & dinner for the group.
- Different Volunteers clean up kitchen pots and pans after the meal. These volunteers are called ‘Kitchen Faeries’.
- BYO cutlery, plate and cup.
- Wash your own cutlery, plate, cup.
- How do I keep food fresh?
- A solid block of ice made from an ice cream container or a 2 litre water bottle will last a long time. Bring it for the kitchen or use it for your personal needs – or do both.
- The kitchen has eskys for communal food. There is no fridge.
- Car – where do I park it once I’m set up?
- You can park next to your tent.
- The concert – what happens
- We have all sorts of items – singing, dancing, poetry, acrobatics, anything really.
- The audience is accepting of all acts.
- The goal is to have fun and affirm each other.
The following is applicable to the Castle Mountain venue near Wiseman’s Ferry, noting that other venues may also be used for Sydney Confesters gatherings:-
- Showers – are there any?
- There is a shower block with hot/cold water and flushing toilets.
- Other facilities available
- There is a communal covered pavilion where we can meet together throughout the day.
- Sydney ConFesters sets up different tent spaces for workshops.
- There is a massage tent.
- The river is nearby to cool down (at your own risk).
- Swimming, bushwalking or other activities beyond the bounds of our event are at your own risk.
- Phone reception – is there any on site?
- Optus has no reception on site or in the Wisemans Ferry area.
- Many people can access Telstra on site.
- Travel – how do I get there?
- When using Google maps, choose the option to catch a Ferry so that you are given the most direct route.
- Coming from Sydney, you need to cross the Webbs Creek Ferry and turn left soon after.